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Our Preschoolers; children aged 3 years to school age who are looked after by our team with an 8:1 children to staff ratio.


With the children’s interests being at the centre of all planning, the day passes by quickly, as the fun never stops! Children learn through play.


We hold regular circle times and show and tell sessions to encourage our children to share their views and opinions with others, helping them to develop their communication skills as well as their confidence and self-esteem. 

During free play sessions, children are encouraged to be independent and to make their own choices from a wide range of different activities. A structured day is centred on individual learning where progress is carefully observed and recorded by your child’s key person. This, coupled with lots of fresh air, provides a busy day for all in the Pre-School Rooms.


To further enhance preparation for school and independence with dressing, children in our Preschool wear The City Nursery uniform. 


At the end of their time in the pre-school, the children will have increased levels of confidence and be socially interactive, thus they experience a smooth transition to full-time schooling and a logical progression of their continued learning.

To book a visit contact a member of our team.

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